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dying art. . . breathe life. . .

Hand Printing Process

Shape up

t-shirt series 'progressional'

what is

your form


from the




to the


of the mind


to frame

the view


hold a





that shift

and move


which will

pivot you

. . . 

more than a print

where do we begin / how do we start / the emotions are felt upon / not knowing what we part /. survival of the fittest. . . right the value, may it be worth more then gold. to make a living on the definition of life. the faces are eerie though the spirits bring comfort / the eyes are lost though the heart moves with vision. mind body soul / pinpoint your perfect precision. 

i put a part of my life in every print / the dance of fabric / ink / machine / human / thinking, twice before i blink / begin begin / begin . . .

i do not just design and print / i obtain the fabrics on various forms of sync / having a dialogue with it to breathe / freedom thinks.


I am willing to possibly do collaborations and customize projects with individuals, companies, and businesses. please hit the contact button at the bottom of the page, and state your claim. thank you kindly.




For the Struggle

For the Love

For the Evolution


      I started work as a professional screen-printer in 2012, with Northwest Safety Clean. There I was printing most/all of Portland Oregon's Regional, Firefighter Uniforms'. All the prints' created with Northwest Safety Clean are UL Verified, NFPA 1971, 1977 compliant, fire retardant ink -printing-process. Working with a six arm press, obtaining seven color finish, and heat pressing UL Verified, NFPA 1971, 1977 compliant, fire retardant vinyl. Screen-printing is not design alone, it is just a component to the works', great design comes from within. I do it for my fresh self; my four arm press, completes a five color finish, establishing a dance that machine and human can coexist. . .

Living for the Love of Art. wear .

      I take great pride on the production of my works', obtaining the greatest balance of machinery quality, and handmade quality Apparel. The most value in the process, thee applicant has the opportunity to create a bond with the production of products. To all the slaves', to all the sweatshops', to all the pariahs', misfits', specials', rejects', and mavericks'; this is for the knowledge of time, and the value of worth. A day has 24 hours', the production of an individual, the emotional passions, the time to rest. How to conclude with the peace love happiness health wealth prosperity intelligence. Break Bread .

     Sinnceer Era is my graffiato, established in 2001, growing up in Brooklyn and Queens New Immigrant. Walking that narrow path between heaven and hell to establish righteousness in my life, as well as obtaining proper knowledge in the balance of life. Growth; I started in the streets, graduating the classrooms, now in professional and commercial atmospheres. Work it'out .                                                        





 - The Bad The Good The Balance . 

shot' outs' for the wear of inspiration :

 . Stash . Stussy . DQM . Mishka . Clientele . Recon . Triumph . Isa . aNYthing . Upper Playground . Undefeated . The Hundreds .

 . Supreme . KCDC . Classic Kicks 'yo

R.I.P. to the Greats'

your stories live on"'

sinnceer era, thee knowledge of heaven and hell to obtain the practice of balance. the time of time, as if, time can be over time; equilibrium . the ability to enlighten the ware of souls' . 

UPCYCLE : 2 give worth and value on what we do, how we do, what we do . . . wearing life .

- Sinnceer Era by Karlos Anthony


Design Everything

© 2012-2022 by KarlosAnthony



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